The excitement of bass fishing never dies even at 40 yrs old I feel like the same ol kid many years ago when I catch a nice big bass, I remember when I was a youngen I'd catch bass at my Uncles lake and with my heart pounding 100 miles an hour it just never got old for me. Back in them days we would catch 100 bass a day without having to work at it like you do nowadays with all the pressure on the lakes! You couldn't pull me and my cousin off the lake without practically threatening us with a woopen!!
Today at 40 yrs. old I still go Bass fishing every chance I can get away from the daily grind of life, but the difference is I get to take my own son Erik or my daughter Valarie and teach them the skills I've learned over the years from my Dad and Uncles and my own developed skills over the many years of Bass fishing.
Through all the tangled webs of fishing string, lost lures, crossed lines, hooks in the head, lips, fingers, broken poles, rod and reels dropped in the water and lost, and other headaches of teaching a kid at an early age the sport of fishing. Let me tell ya it's all worth it in the end. If you think it takes patients to fish, take a kid that's never been and you will see what patients is all about Rotflmao.
All my fellow Bass fisherman out there know what I'm talking about when I say once you get the bass fever it never goes away. Here is a list of things about bass fishing I love:
- The first launch of the boat in the morning at 4am when the fog is still hovering above the water as we sip our coffee and troll over to the first marked hotspot of any of our many favorite lakes.
- The anticipation, excitement and smile on both my son or daughters face.
- The mastering of precision casts from years of experience of fishing with the baitcaster.
- The sound of an exploding bass hitting a surface topwater lure.
- The huge swirls, splashes and V's in the water of big moving fish.
- The abundance of other wildlife around you.
- The stories, fishtales, and jokes of past trips and just other good conversation.
- Just being in the water floating in the boat surrounded by natural habitat and lake structure.
- Creating memories that will last a lifetime.
These are just a few things that come to mind when I think about Bass fishing. Below is a pic of my son with his first 5 pound Bass at age 12. I am so proud of him and it inspired me to write this post. If you have caught largemouth bass in the bigger range 5 pounds or better you know how hard they can pull, getting it in the boat is always a task in its own. I have lost as MANY big fish in my days as the ones I've landed, some I really regret, but that's the lure that keeps ya coming back what might happen the next time. But always remember its about having fun! Enjoying the peace serenity of nature, the water, and family and friends to share it with.