Largemouth Bass Tactics!
5:34 PM | Author: Tech Tactical

Water influence on Largemouth Bass Tactics

Because a bass's entire metabolism is tuned to its circulatory system temperature. In cold water the metabolism slows down, the brain slows down, and the bass slows down. In cold water a bass's instincts are less sharp it has less appetite and it mostly stays suspended in a hiding place, waiting for warmer water. That's why Largemouth Bass Tactics have to be adjusted accordingly.

If you go out fishing early in the year you should look for the warmest water you can find usually on the sunny side off the lake.. During the summer it’s totally different story, coolest water is where fish is hiding. A sudden drop in water temperature cause bass to go into temporary shock and they quit eating. The opposite is not true, however. A sudden rise in water temperature may, or may not, effect the fishing, depending on other factors.

Rain as a fishing factor

Rain affects water surface conditions, making it almost opaque when viewed from below. This affect can be either positive or negative on fishing. Light rains seem to help fishing, while heavy rains turn-off the bite. Here is the likely scenario. The darkened skies that come with wet conditions tend to cause the bass to feed, light rain breaks up the surface making our lures more effective, and rain adds oxygen to the water. But as the rain gets heavier, it gets more difficult for the Largemouth Bass to see, so they suspend and stop feeding.
If there is freshwater flowing into the lake from a feeder creek or ditch, the place where this water enters the lake is an excellent place to fish. Nutrients are flowing in, shad are drawn to the nutrients and bass are drawn to the shad.
The bass know the shad will be there so they instinctively migrate to a source of fresh water flowing into a lake. It is wide spread understanding that Largemouth Bass Tactics have to be adapted to a light rain, and than again as the rain gets stronger. Heavy downpours, thunderstorms (and the resulting high winds) make for extremely poor fishing and miserable fishing conditions.

Change your Largemouth Bass Tactics when storm is close

During the approach of a cold front the winds diminish and the sky becomes overcast. Then, it starts to rain. The bass sense the change in wind and sky conditions, they know instinctively that this is the beginning to bad weather, and they begin to feed. That is why some of the best fishing occurs when a cold front is approaching. During this time the bass fill their gullets. Then, the wind picks up after the storm passes, the skies clear and the Largemouth Bass become lethargic. Then, after the food is digested, they begin to feed once again. This is a rule you have to remember. Bass do not feed on the day after a bad weather has passed because they are not hungry. Hunger returns after about 48 hours, and the fishing improves rapidly.

Wind is improving Largemouth Bass Fishing

Windy conditions makes for excellent fishing during late spring, summer and early fall. On the other side it usually makes poor fishing in the winter and early spring.
Wind improves fishing and here is why. First, the wind causes waves and waves oxygenate the water. The additional oxygen activate the fish and causes them to feed. But more importantly, the wind blows algae and plankton to the windy shore where it stacks up. Shad feed off of plankton and bass feed off of shad. Both the shad and the bass like to actively feed shallow along a wind-blown shore.
On the places where waves are breaking over a point or along a shoreline, you should look for deeper water nearby. Expect the bass to be holding in deep water but close to the shallow, breaking waves. When fishing a shoreline, hold the boat off shore, throw lures into the breaking waves and retrieve them to where it looks the bass are holding in deeper water.

A mayor mistake often committed by novice fishermen is to fish the lee side of the lake when the wind is blowing. Mayor rule in Largemouth Bass Tactics is: On the lee side of the lake the bass will be inactive, while on the windward shores the bass will be active. The wind makes boating and fishing tougher, but the final result makes up for it.

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